Indoor shoes
Indoor shoes for the family
Football, volleyboll, gym class at school, floorball or gym - wherever the training may take you, you will need a stable indoor shoe with a good grip on the outsole. Depending on the sport, there are different zones on the outsole to ease the movements that the sport require. Indoor shoes for football is designed to give good ball control and ta handle quick movements. Shoes for volleyball have increased cushioning so that you land comfortable after a high jump. Here at Sportshopen you will find indoor shoes for men, women and children among well-known brands such as Adidas, Puma, Asics and Nike.
Under this category you will find sports shoes for indoor sports. We have shoes for all sports and activities, from versatile all-round shoes for school sports, to special shoes for handball and floorball. Common to all indoor shoes is that they have a sole that does not leave marks on the floor and at the same time provides good grip on all types of floors that are in gyms. The difference between all shoes is based on which sport they are intended to be used for. Here are some of the sports and what requirements the indoor shoes have for each sport.
Handball shoes
Handball shoes need to have many features. The fast turns and changes of direction at a high pace require a shoe that has stability. They need to have a sole, midsole and upper that can withstand all the movements. Body contact in handball also mean that the shoes wear hard and therefore they need to be made of durable material. Handball players also make high jumps and the landing requires cushioning in the shoes. The outsole should provide grip against the floor, but it is important that the sole has zones in the pattern that enable safe turns. Usually, for example, a round circle is just below the base of the big toe. Without such a turning zone, the risk of injuries in quick turns increases.
Floorball shoes
There are special shoes for floorball and they are very similar to handball shoes. The shoes are slightly less cushioned as there is no jump in the floorball. The fast game demands safety, stability and turning zones in the pattern of the outsole. Floorball players run a lot during a match and it is an advantage if the shoes used in floorball games and training are light.
Training shoes
A large group of indoor shoes are training shoes. Here you will find shoes for everything from workouts at the gym, different types of training such as yoga and aerobics to shoes for the popular form of CrossFit training. There are different requirements for the shoes in the several kinds of training. On a yoga session, you may not even wear shoes, but if you have shoes on, it is good to have a flexible shoe that provides good grip against the floor. Group training at Friskis and Svettis includes both running, jumping and turning. Then it is good with training shoes that provide shock absorption and good grip against the surface. CrossFit is a form of training that combines training with weights, running and exercises with the body weight. CrossFit shoes need cushioning, stability and withstand high wear. Rope climbing is, for example, a common feature in CrossFit sessions and then the upper side of the shoes needs to be in a material that can withstand being rubbed against the rope.
Indoor football shoes
Futsal and indoor football are two sports that require the same type of soccer shoes. Football players want a flexible, light and fast indoor shoe that allows quick steps and at the same time provides good contact with the ball. Shoes for indoor football and futsal are therefore less cushioned and have a smooth upper without details that interfere with the ball contact. The lacing on soccer shoes for indoor games are thin and light to not disrupt the game.
Which shoes are suitable for school sports?
Most of the shoes above also suit for school sports. Most all-round are the handball and floorball shoes. They provide cushioning and stability. If the child is light, the cushioning does not matter as much and an indoor football shoe can be experienced as more flexible and lighter. Flexible shoes with a high midsole are less suitable as a high sole together with a flexible and soft upper increases the risk of injuries. For the same reason, a running shoe is also a less suitable choice for school sports on indoor floors.